Règles du Club

Version Française bientôt disponible

1. Registration: FOR PRIVATE ICE SKATERS (Not for Canskate)

Please make sure you register for the correct session. Skaters must be registered for sessions at their level only.

Missed sessions: Skaters may only skate on the days they are registered for. Skaters will not be allowed to make up sessions they have missed, due to sickness, vacations, inclement weather or conflicting events. Make up sessions can be purchased as a “buy on” for extra ice on session for which they are qualified (Jr/Sr, etc..) as long as the session is not full to capacity.

Stroking can only be done during the first 10 minutes of each session.

2. Skating Etiquette and Safety: FOR ALL SKATERS

No skater or parent of a skater should interrupt a Coach during another skaters private lesson or during the Canskate classes, unless it is an emergency. Please reserve all questions until after the session or for during your own session. Be thoughtful of other skaters, their lesson is being paid for.

For Canskaters: Please direct questions or comments about Canskate programming to the Dollard Figure Skating Club Board at contactus@cpadollard.com and the canskate director will answer any and all questions or concerns . For questions/comments regarding your child’s progress or instruction on the ice you can refer to the on-ice coordinator after the session. Please do not refer to the Program Assistants (Coaches Assistants).

Appropriate use of language and display of positive behavior is expected at all times. All skaters and parents are encouraged to use common courtesy, good manners and respect fellow skaters, Coaches, Executive Members, Parents and Civic Centre Staff. Any person not abiding by this rule will be asked to leave the area.

Skate guards must be worn on skates at all times when outside the rink enclosure (ALL SKATERS)

Priority or right of way must be yielded to a skater who’s music is being played, and all other skaters and Coaches are asked to be courteous.

No gum, candy, food or drink on the ice, with the exception of water bottles are to be at the boards.

No fooling around, pushing, racing, etc..will be tolerated on or around the ice.

If a skater should fall on the ice, it is important that the skater gets up immediately if not injured. Failing to do so is dangerous for the skater and other skaters/Coaches on the ice.

For safety reasons long hair is to be tied back away from the face.

All doors to the ice surface must remain closed at all times.

Sitting on the boards is not permitted. Parents of Canskaters are requested to not stand inside the “gated area” of the perimeter of the ice rink. (where the music cart is). This area is reserved for DFSC Board members and Coaches only.

3. Dress code:

Boys: No jeans shall be worn.

Girls: Skating dress or skirt. Stretch pants may be worn but must not hang down or be flared.


Boys– sweatpants or track pants and club sweatshirt (no bulky snowpants). Wearing a CAN3-Z262.1 or CAN/CSA-Z262.1 approved helmet is mandatory for all (adults and children), up to stage 5 inclusively, at all time on the ice.

Girls: Club sweatshirt and skating skirt. Wearing a CAN3-Z262.1 or CAN/CSA-Z262.1 approved helmet is mandatory for all (adults and children), up to stage 5 inclusively, at all time on the ice.

Voici les règles générales du code vestimentaire concernant CanSkate

  • Les participants doivent fournir leur équipement de patinage. Aucune location de patins ou de casques n’est offerte par le club.

  • Les participants doivent avoir un habillement adéquat pour la pratique du sport. Les vêtements doivent être ajustés près du corps tout en permettant une bonne mobilité. Il n’est pas recommandé de porter un habit de neige car il entrave les mouvements.

  • Le port d’un casque homologué CAN3-Z262.1 ou CAN/CSA-Z262.1 est obligatoire pour tous (enfants et adultes) jusqu’à l’étape 5 inclusivement, en tout temps sur la glace.

  • Les patins doivent être en bonne condition et avoir un ajustement adéquat. Les lacets doivent être bien attachés et ne pas traîner.

  • Le port de mitaines ou de gants est obligatoire.

  • Les mitaines ou les gants portés par les participants ou les entraîneurs ne doivent pas laisser de résidus de tissu sur la glace lors de chute.

  • Les vêtements de protection sont permis pourvu qu’ils n’empêchent pas la capacité de mouvement du corps. Les vêtements de protection doivent être souples et ajustés.

  • Le port de bijoux ou de tout autre objet décoratif est permis sauf s’ils sont susceptibles de tomber ou de causer des blessures. Ils ne doivent pas être susceptibles d’être accrochants.

  • Les cheveux doivent être attachés si ceux-ci sont suffisamment longs pour nuire à la vision. Les grosses pinces à cheveux à ressort et les bobby pins sont interdites.

4. Music Rules: Not applicable to Canskaters.

Skaters are expected to check in with Ice Captain before getting on the ice for attendance purposes.

Music will be played in the following manner: Music will be played in “line up”..Skater in lesson-Skater not in lesson- Skater in lesson, etc…

Music played simultaneously (from another IPOD with speakers or boombox) while the DFSC Music Player is in play is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

5. Ice Captain: Not applicable to Canskaters

Take attendance to ensure that only registered skaters and skaters who have paid are on that session. Ensure that “buy ons” have paid the fees owed and are added on the “buy on” attendance sheet.

Second Club (non DDO home club) guests will be required to hand in a completed “label” placed on an envelope in which the buy on fee is to be included before getting on the ice. Buy on rates:

    • 2nd Club Member: session de 50 minutes (15 $ non member of CPA Dollard)

6. Guest Skaters: Not applicable to Canskaters

Approval for buy ons must be obtained prior to the skater arriving at the arena by a Board member.

Skaters can only “buy on” for a session for which they are qualified. All guest fees must be paid to the ice captain before entering the ice.

All coaches accompanying a buy on must provide their Skate Canada coach ID card. If this card is not provided the coach will not be allowed on the ice.

7. Club Awards:

To be eligible for any Club awards, skaters must be registered with the DFSC as their home club, and must have an active winter membership within the club. All outstanding fees to the club must be paid before skater can be given award.